Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Remember that you are baptized

My mom sent me this text yesterday:

"Sending you love on this, your baptism day, and the first anniversary of your ordination. What God ordains is always good!"

Yes, I was ordained on my baptism anniversary, which I think is about one of my favorite things about my life. And what a reminder this was to me this year:

1) What God ordains is indeed always good, even if you don't see that right off the bat. As I mentioned, I experienced so many blessings my first time around cancer, and owe a lot of who I am today to that experience. And a lot of the good things at that! The thing itself might not be so good as the thing that becomes.

2) 29 years ago, God claimed be in baptism. That's pretty powerful stuff. And because I know I belong to God, I also know that God will not leave my side in this. I have never felt abandoned, but honestly feel a closeness to God that I didn't feel even two months ago. This is purposeful, not in the way that "God did this to me on purpose!" (<-- read in childish tantrum voice), but in that there is purpose in this, too. We'll just see what that is.

Thanks for the reminder, mom.

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