Monday, February 15, 2016

Sermon: A decision to walk this journey (Feb. 14, 2016)

Lent 1C
February 14, 2016
Luke 4:1-13

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
            As I was preparing for our Lenten theme this year on pilgrimage – “Moving Toward the Promised Land” – I arranged to have a conversation with my aunt and uncle. You see, a couple years ago, they walked the Camino de Santiago, one of the oldest and most famous Christian pilgrimage routes. Starting in France, the 450-mile trek is mostly through northern Spain, and ends up at the tomb of St. James. Pilgrims from all walks of life (both Christian and non-) carry their belongings, and either camp or stay in hostels along the route, walking on average about 15 miles a day. The journey takes four to six weeks to complete.
The Camino de Santiago
            My aunt and uncle had many helpful and wise things to say, but there is one thing in particular that stuck with me. They said that once they made the decision to walk the Camino, that was it. They only made the decision once, and each day thereafter – the training, the trip overseas, and the pilgrimage itself – was all just carrying through with that decision.
On the other hand, another friend of mine, who walked the Camino the next year, disagreed. She said no, she had to make that decision every single day of the journey. Every day – and especially every afternoon, when she was so tired from the day’s journey – she said to herself, “I could quit now. I could catch a train to Santiago. But, no. I will decide to walk again tomorrow.” Both approaches worked; everyone got to Santiago.
            Either way, I’m intrigued by approaching a journey by first making a decision – or you could call it, a commitment. Taking a trip for pleasure takes work and can be tiring, but generally it is something fun, something you enjoy doing, and look forward to. Taking a journey, or a pilgrimage, is not always enjoyable. It is hard work – work that is rewarding, in the long run, but often not
Marker along the Camino,
photo credit Jen Zogg
immediately gratifying. It is easy to get distracted or discouraged, to give up before we’ve taken more than the first step. Sometimes the fact that we began the journey with determination, with a decision to complete it, is the only thing keeping us going.
            Is that how Jesus felt when he was being tempted in the wilderness? His 40 days in the wilderness begins right after his baptism, and before any of his public ministry. In a way, they are sort of his boot camp for ministry: a rigorous preparation for what will prove to be a challenging few years in the public eye, that will end on a cross. We see in today’s Gospel that Jesus “passed” all the tests the devil presents him with, but I still have to wonder: did he ever want to quit? Did he ever want to throw in the towel, to catch the next metaphorical train to heaven, but then think, “No, I made a decision to do this thing. God and humanity are counting on me. I’ve got to follow through, even though it is already hard and it is only going to get harder. It will, in the end, be worth the effort.”
            I guess we’ll never know for sure, but looking at how Jesus’ own journey began affirms for us: embarking on an important journey is difficult. Often it starts out difficult and only gets harder. But more often than not, the journey is well worth it in the end.
            All this brings us back to our Lenten theme of pilgrimage. In your bulletin you will find an insert highlighting some of the biblical basis for this theme, which I hope you’ll read. Sufficed to say, pilgrimage is a strong theme during these 40 days before Easter: it is a theme of being tried and tested for a period of time in the proverbial wilderness, even as we move toward something beautiful and life-giving, toward the Promised Land. It is a theme “built-in” to Lent anyway. But we are making it more physical for ourselves this year by urging everyone to get out and walk a mile or two each day, report your miles walked, and hopefully, with our miles combined with St. Martin’s/Bethlehem’s, we will have walked so many miles we will actually make it to Jerusalem, the literal Promised Land, by Easter. There is a map in the narthex that will keep track of miles walked, so we can see how far we have gone, and how far we have left to go. If you can’t physically walk, or the weather doesn’t cooperate (we’re counting on El Nino to provide us with a mild winter, though this weekend it hasn’t delivered!), you can also spend 15 minutes of dedicated Bible study and prayer as one mile “walked.” We want everyone to be able to participate in this larger journey in whatever way is possible for you.
            But a pilgrimage is not just walking for the sake of walking. A pilgrimage is walking with
Camino de Santiago, photo credit to Jen Zogg
intention. It is a way to “pray with your feet,” an opportunity for reflection, an opportunity to grow closer to God in some way. So even as we walk all together as a group, we will also walk our own, individual pilgrimages. The purpose of that journey I cannot name for you – that is between you and God. We will start to think about it this morning, though. As you embark on your pilgrimage, consider what wilderness you find yourself in right now, what separates you from God, and, what the Promised Land would look like to you. On that same insert are a few questions to help you in your consideration, so I urge you to check those out.
You might not decide today what particular Promised Land you seek; this shouldn’t be a rushed decision, but one that is made in the context of prayer and reflection. Maybe you want to live each day more gratefully and less longingly. Maybe you want to deepen your sense of God’s presence in your life. Maybe you find yourself stuck in grief, and want to find joy again. Maybe you long for forgiveness – for yourself or someone else – so you can release that burden. Maybe it is your guilt or your shame about the past that is weighing you down. Whatever your particular pilgrimage is this Lent, I urge you to try to name it for yourself. You don’t need to tell anyone else, or maybe it would help if you did, so you can walk this journey with a spouse or a trusted friend. Sometimes it is nice to talk to someone while you walk.
It might not be an easy or fun journey, I warn you. I doubt Jesus’ was! It takes commitment to follow through, even after God pulls back the veil and reveals to us God’s desire for us, even when we are faced with what lies in the dark corners of our hearts, even when we are tired and not seeing results as quickly as we would like. Pilgrimage is hard, and not always edifying at first. But in the end, it is worth the effort.
When we face the inevitable challenges, then it is essential to remember: even as we walk our own, difficult, personal journey, we also never walk alone. We walk always with Christ, who also makes his journey toward Jerusalem during Lent. And we also walk with one another, in community. One of the things my aunt and uncle showed me from their pilgrimage on the Camino was their shells. Each pilgrim is given a shell to carry with them when they begin the Camino, a reminder that we never walk alone. We are a part of a larger journey – a journey that began with the Israelites and continues with us and will continue with our children’s children.
When you came into worship today, you were given a stone. These stones came out of Lake Ontario, our largest and closest body of water. Pick up your stone now, and hold it in your hand. These stones will serve a few purposes for you during your Lenten journey this year. First of all, they
Iron cross at highest point of Camino.
serve as a reminder that none of us are not walking this way alone. Yet just as we each carry our own unique burdens on this journey, each stone is different from the next. And so, also let your stone represent your particular, unique journey. On the Camino, people will often carry a stone as a symbol of their burdens. At the highest point in the pilgrimage, there is a hill of stones surrounding a cross – a hill formed by many generations of pilgrims leaving their stones, their burdens, at the foot of the cross before they head back down the mountain toward Santiago. We, too, will carry our stones toward the cross, remembering that they come from the water, just as we come to this journey from the waters of our baptism. On Palm Sunday, I will invite you to bring it back, as we also make our final descent, with Jesus, into Holy Week.
And this is truly how we know we journey together: we all are one in the Body of Christ, brought together into Christ’s own death and resurrection in the waters of our baptism. As we embark on our journeys, may we remember and embrace our common identity, and the hope and promise that comes to us through Jesus Christ.
As a closing prayer, I would like to say a prayer over these stones. Each of you please hold your stone as I pray:

Bless now, O God, the journey that all your people make – our individual journeys as well as the one journey we all make toward your cross, and then onward to the empty tomb and the promise of new life. Meet us on the road, and never leave our side, as we seek to release burdens and find joy and promise in you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here's what was on the insert I mention:
A word on our Lenten theme…

Pilgrimage is a strong theme in scripture. The Israelites journey out of Egypt into freedom, only to find themselves in the wilderness outside the Promised Land they seek, for 40 years. This time is a trying one, but eventually they do make it into the Promised Land. Last week we heard the story of the Transfiguration, which ends with Jesus and his disciples walking down the mountain as Jesus “sets his face toward Jerusalem,” and what he knows will be his death, and of course, his resurrection. Today we hear about Jesus’ temptation – once again, in the wilderness, for 40 days. As he comes out of this wilderness, he begins his public ministry among God’s people.
Each pilgrimage leads, finally, to new life, but not without a period of trial. So it is with our own journeys, during Lent and beyond. You are invited to name for yourself your own “wilderness,” as well as what “Promised Land” you seek, and make this the focus of your pilgrimage this Lent. Consider this prayerfully. Know that this journey likely won’t be easy, and may take far longer than 40 days, but also that at the other end of the wilderness, God always delivers on God’s promises: renewal and new life in Christ Jesus.

Here are some questions to help you in deciding what Promised Land you seek during this Lenten pilgrimage:

·      What is your deepest spiritual longing?
·      In what way do you not feel as close to God as you would like?
·      Through what “wilderness” are you currently wandering? What does it look like outside of that wilderness? How do you get there?
·      What is trying in your life right now? Where is God in that trial?
·      Where do you feel lack in your life? What would make you feel full?
·      What temptations do you face? How can God help you overcome them?

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