Saturday, January 14, 2017

Five weeks of "laughter" and delight

January 14, 2017

Dear Isaac Karl,

As I write this, you are lying next to me on the couch, leaned up against my leg, wiggling and looking around. You are eagerly sucking on a pacifier, even as you endure hiccups, and the front of your dark hair is sticking straight up. We have now known each other for 5 and a half weeks, and what a joy those weeks have been! I have cuddled you just as much as I possibly can during that time, only putting you down when I need both hands and my back is aching from wearing you. I just love cuddling you – and you don’t seem to mind it either!

The first weeks of a baby’s life are so amazing, because every day he visibly changes and develops. This has certainly been the case with you. We have watched you open your eyes more each day, and look around the room and take it all in. We have watched your little limbs uncurl, getting used to having much more space than was in the womb, and have helped you discover your strength as you work on pushing with your legs, holding your head up, and even looking around. The greatest joy of all has been watching your little smile emerge. You spent the first 5 weeks of life looking like a grumpy, skeptical (but still very handsome!) old man. But at 5 weeks, we saw for the first time your dear little smile, which softens your face almost as much as it softens our hearts to melting. You first offered this smile in earnest to your dad, but then when I came over to see, you presented me with an equally wonderful grin. Your favorite time to smile is in the mornings, so we soak up as many then as we possibly can!

You continue to be a very easy-going, content, patient little boy – remarkably so even with your sister, who is so eager to help us take care of you! When she comes downstairs in the morning, the first thing she does is run over to your little rocker and see if you are there. If you are, she will sometimes lean over to give you a kiss. When you cry, we will sometimes come into the room to see that Grace is already offering you a pacifier – though she isn’t very adept at getting it in your mouth and keeping it there, so it is often a game of her poking your face with it until she gets it in your mouth, and when she finally does, she sometimes yanks it back out to try again. You patiently endure her efforts! We have also seen her offer you a small stuffed animal to make you feel better, and she enjoys helping us to burp you, and just this week she has been learning how to give you a bottle. Again, she isn’t always entirely successful (she as often causes you to choke as she does actually feed you), but you are so kind in letting her try. She loves you very much, Isaac – I hope you will always remember that, even in the future when you are arguing!

Being 1 month old is exhausting!
You don’t cry very much, though as you get more active you are crying and fussing a little more. When you are hungry, you’ll let us know with your hands and breathing, then finally if we don’t respond, you let out a cry for a few moments, then wait for us to respond before you continue. You sometimes struggle to eat, usually due to gas (which also causes you to cry). A quick burp and you’re right back on track. Most recently, you are crying when you want to be held. It takes only a moment to please you in this case, as you snuggle quickly into our arms, once again content. (In my days at home with you, my various baby carriers have come in very useful in this way! I can do the dishes, and you can snuggle up to Mama. Everyone wins.) One of our favorite things you do is when you sneeze, you punctuate it with a sighing, "Awwww!" or sometimes a more adament, "Owwhhh!" Adorable, every time. You eat pretty well, as much as 5oz at a time, and every 2 hours. You are sleeping well – if not yet through the night, at least on a schedule. We put you to bed around 10, you wake to eat between 1am and 2am, then again about 4am, going right back to sleep after each, then again at 7am, after which you are up and ready to engage with the world. I told a pediatrician this, and she was very impressed that you are already on a schedule! Way to go, kid!

Sealed with the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ
Your first month of life has also had a couple of exciting things (aside from holidays with your grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousin!) – one good, one bad, both on New Years Day. First the good – that morning was your baptism! It was, of course, a joyous event, which took place at one of my churches where I am the pastor, St. Martin Lutheran Church. Your Grandpa Dick baptized you, your Grandma Lois held you, and you wore your daddy’s baptismal gown, which your Grammy MayMay brought for you. Neither of your godmothers
Getting ready to go home from
the hospital
could be there, but they were present in other ways: Jen had a very special candle made with your name on it, and Victoria wrote the prayers of intercession for the day, with you in mind. It was a very special service, and you were an angel through it. You were awake the whole service, and didn’t cry at all!

The not so good part came later. We noticed you were feeling a little warm that night, and took your
Hanging out with mom
temperature. It was a low grade fever, 100.4, but for one so wee as you (less than a month), this can turn very serious, so we were told to go to the ER. They decided to admit you for observation. Poor little guy, not even a month old and you had your first IV. But you were very brave through it all. I stayed the night with you, and even in that strange place you slept pretty well and were very tolerant of all the poking and prodding. I was so proud of you, my brave little man! But let’s make that the last hospital stay for a while, okay?

All in all, I have adored these 5 weeks with you, my sweet Isaac. Already I am in awe of you, I admire you, and my affection for you is so deep. You’ve made my heart melt and grow and burst, all at once! I can’t imagine loving you any more, but of course, each day, I do! We can’t wait to see your personality continue to blossom, even as we want you to stay this way forever. I love you, my dear, sweet little boy, my Laughter, my Isaac!


                                                                                                Your Mama

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