Thursday, June 23, 2016

Grace in the big city!

June 20, 2016

My Dear, Darling Daughter,

This has been a really big weekend for you! We went on our first family vacation that was not to see family – a trip to New York City! We are staying at a friend’s house outside the city, and traveling into the city to have some experiences. You have been an immense trooper, once again showing yourself to be one of the most adaptable, well-adjusted, easy-going people I know. Not one day has looked even remotely close to your usual schedule, but you have gone with it, enjoyed it, made friends along the way, and kept on smiling. In these three days, my love and admiration for you has grown exponentially – who would’ve thought it possible?

Our first day in the city, it took us a while to get to our destination, which was Central Park. By the time we got there, it was lunchtime and naptime. You were so resistant to a nap – we put in the
Central Park
stroller and you lay there, sucking your thumb with your eyes mere slits, as unwilling to stay fully awake as you were to miss a single thing. Hate to tell you, but you did finally fall asleep and missed the whole walk-in-the-park portion of the trip. Don’t worry, we’ll come back someday when you can really enjoy it.

We rode several subways that day, and you made friends on each one. We have found that, especially with a cute baby in tow, people in New York City are extraordinarily kind – offering help or their seat on the subway, smiling and waving at you, starting up conversations with three strangers. It is very sweet. But you, my dear, you are the stealer of hearts. I sat beside one lady on the subway, and soon enough you were reaching over for her newspaper. She kindly smiled and asked you, “Do you want to read this?” You gazed up at her and offered her your stellar grin, and she belonged to you. Trusting that this lady would not be annoyed by your reaching, nor the fact that your little foot was jabbing into her thigh, I looked away, and when I turned back, you have taken her thumb in your chubby little hand and were happily holding it while she read, as if you’d been best friends for life.

To every person who waved or said hello to you, you offered your two-toothed smile, winning hearts all along the way. You have worked hard this trip on learning to wave, and now when someone waves at you, you lift your arm in return (though you’re not yet entirely sure what to do with it, and sort of wave it randomly in whatever direction suits you – but we’re getting there!). When the subway starts
Getting ready to board the subway!
to go, you look around at everyone else holding the poles to keep steady, and you, too, reach out for a pole, too – unless, of course, you see a stranger’s handbag or bracelet that look more compelling. And each time you opt for a stranger’s belonging, they simply smile and let you play and explore.

I took you to church on Sunday, the church where my friend is pastor, but she is on vacation. Here, too, you won everyone over, crawling down the aisle, getting passed around at coffee hour, smiling and chatting with everyone. Grace Rehbaum at Grace Lutheran was a big hit!

One of many in-transit naps
You have tried several new modes of transportation on this trip, as well. You’ve traveled by foot (practicing walking!), in arms, in carrier (front and back), in stroller, in car, and some new ways, too – by several different trains, and by boat! You even got to go on an aircraft carrier, and see a space shuttle! With each new way of travel, we have watched to see how you would respond, and each time, you watch with interest, and then go with the flow. You love to move, no matter the way! (You even had your own little dance party in the Adidas Store, causing many walkers-by to stop, point, and smile.) Each of these modes of travel, it seems, have fallen at some point during a naptime, or in some cases, even a bedtime. For a baby who loves her sleep, you have adapted amazingly well to whatever the circumstances. I just put you in the carrier, and sing and rock you until you put your thumb in your mouth, calm yourself down, and eventually, fall asleep. Then when we get you to a place where you can stretch out and get in your preferred position, you do that without complaint, and fall back asleep, then wake up a while later with a smile on your face, ready for something new.

But what really made me marvel at you – at your adaptability, your courage, your joy at life – was today. We are going to a concert tonight, so decided it would be a good day to lie low, save our energy, and let you have a fairly normal schedule day. So much for that. We started the day with you discovering how to take off your own diaper – which you did, leaving poop all over one side of your pack and play and your legs. You let us know, and we cleaned you up. You went about your playing business, keeping busy until the bed was clean and dried out enough to sleep
Tuckered out after church on
Father's Day
in. Then we thought we’d go out for lunch. You were a little sleepy, but we figured you’d be fine. You rested a bit on the way there, then were eager to be a part of lunch. I gave you some strawberries from my waffle – which you’ve successfully eaten before. But this time, your face got all red and splotchy and your eyes swollen. We scooted to a pharmacy to get some Benadryl and called the doctor while we walked back to the house. While I spoke to a nurse, you started making a gagging sound and suddenly, you were throwing up all over the sidewalk! Poor dear! The nurse told us what to do, but by the time we were off the phone, you were all smiles again, happily in your dad’s arms. You smiled and chatted all the way home, then went promptly to sleep. As I write this, I check on you every few minutes to make sure you are still breathing and safe, and you are – breathing, safe, beautiful, brave, adventurous, easy-going, joyful, and wonderful.

Oh my dear, I can’t imagine loving you more, but each day, I do, a little more! Thank you for being you, for being an inspiration, for showing everyone who meets you how to take life by the reigns and enjoy every bit of it. You are amazing, Grace!


                                                                                                Your admiring Mama

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